Package-level declarations

Helper classes and functions for registry registers


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Registers Food Items to be eaten with

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Registers Items to be used with

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Quickly register sound-related stuff, like a music disc or sound event.

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Quickly register tags-related stuff


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fun Block.registerBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers a block to the Minecraft registry with the resource location set to the Mod ID

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fun Block.registerBlockItem(modID: String, name: String): BlockItem

Registers an item to the Minecraft registry with the resource location set to the Mod ID

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fun Block.registerBlockWithItem(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers a block & item to the Minecraft registry with the resource location set to the Mod ID

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fun DyeColor.registerBrightenedLeavesBlock(modID: String, name: String, emissiveRenderingState: BlockBehaviour.StatePredicate): Block
fun MapColor.registerBrightenedLeavesBlock(modID: String, name: String, emissiveRenderingState: BlockBehaviour.StatePredicate): Block
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fun DyeColor.registerCarpetBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel carpet block with an accompanying item with a chosen DyeColor to be shown on a map

fun MapColor.registerCarpetBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel carpet block with an accompanying item with a chosen MapColor to be shown on a map

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fun DyeColor.registerGlassBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers a stained-glass block copying the settings of white stained-glass with the color based on a DyeColor

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fun DyeColor.registerGlassPaneBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers a stained-glass pane block copying the settings of white stained-glass with the color based on a DyeColor

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fun DyeColor.registerLeavesBlock(modID: String, name: String, emissiveRenderingState: BlockBehaviour.StatePredicate): Block
fun MapColor.registerLeavesBlock(modID: String, name: String, emissiveRenderingState: BlockBehaviour.StatePredicate): Block
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fun DyeColor.registerLightBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel light block with an accompanying item with a chosen DyeColor to be shown on a map

fun MapColor.registerLightBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel light block with an accompanying item with a chosen MapColor to be shown on a map

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fun DyeColor.registerLogBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

fun MapColor.registerLogBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel log blocks with an accompanying item with a chosen MapColor to be shown on a map\

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fun DyeColor.registerOreBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block
fun MapColor.registerOreBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block
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fun DyeColor.registerPastelBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers a pastel block with an accompanying item with the color based on a DyeColor

fun MapColor.registerPastelBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers a pastel block with an accompanying item with the color based on a MapColor

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fun DyeColor.registerPastelFenceBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers a pastel fence block with an accompanying item with a chosen DyeColor to be shown on a map

fun MapColor.registerPastelFenceBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers a pastel fence block with an accompanying item with a chosen MapColor to be shown on a map

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fun DyeColor.registerPastelFenceGateBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel fence gate block with an accompanying item with a chosen DyeColor to be shown on a map

fun MapColor.registerPastelFenceGateBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel fence gate block with an accompanying item with a chosen MapColor to be shown on a map

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fun DyeColor.registerPastelPowderBlock(modID: String, name: String, resultPastelBlock: Block): Block

Registers a pastel powder block with an accompanying item with the color based on a DyeColor, paired with an accompanying normal pastel block when touched with water

fun MapColor.registerPastelPowderBlock(modID: String, name: String, resultPastelBlock: Block): Block

Registers a pastel powder block with an accompanying item with the color based on a MapColor, paired with an accompanying normal pastel block when touched with water

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fun DyeColor.registerPastelSlabBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel slab block with an accompanying item with a chosen DyeColor to be shown on a map

fun MapColor.registerPastelSlabBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel slab block with an accompanying item with a chosen MapColor to be shown on a map

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fun DyeColor.registerPastelStairsBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel stair block with an accompanying item with a chosen DyeColor to be shown on a map

fun MapColor.registerPastelStairsBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel stair block with an accompanying item with a chosen MapColor to be shown on a map

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fun DyeColor.registerPastelWallBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel wall block with an accompanying item with a chosen DyeColor to be shown on a map

fun MapColor.registerPastelWallBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel wall block with an accompanying item with a chosen MapColor to be shown on a map

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fun DyeColor.registerWoolBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel wool block with an accompanying item with a chosen DyeColor to be shown on a map

fun MapColor.registerWoolBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers the pastel wool block with an accompanying item with a chosen MapColor to be shown on a map